The Officers of the National Skeet Shooting Association wish to address and update the NSSA-NSCA membership on a matter under discussion:
To our membership,
Members, sponsors and others have, from time to time, given gifts to the NSSA-NSCA. Sometimes the donor has specified their intent for these donations, such as ‘Youth Shooting.’
Because we have determined that there is substantial interest among our members and friends in supporting the work of the Association, we are exploring the potential benefits of soliciting gifts and donations to the Association in a more formal and ongoing way.
The officers have had numerous discussions with respect to forming an endowment program to assist in this task. Since the NSSA-NSCA is organized as a 501(c)(3), there can be significant tax benefits to the donor.
We have targeted the fall of 2020 to have completely reviewed this topic and will be able to make a recommendation to the Executive Committee at that time.
We will continue to keep you informed of our progress in this important initiative.
Thank you,
Officers of the NSSA