NSSA will kick off a new series of events called “It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere” on March 31. While it was originally conceived as an after-5 event, the clubs testing the event quickly found that shooters wanted to participate throughout the day, so the name became “It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere.”
“It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere” will be four events shot over the course of the 2025 shooting year. This season-long series of “Somewhere” events can be shot at your local club for the normal cost of your club’s practice targets (plus state and NSSA fees) with the possibility to earn Team and Class All-American points. Participate in all five guns or as many as you wish. All sub-events are only 50 targets, so it’s quick and fun!
Weekly scores are easily uploaded to headquarters by your club using the NSSA Skeet Manager program. Also, you can check out iSkeet.org to view live scores and weekly results.
“Somewhere” events are the perfect way to introduce new shooters to a competitive environment. Shoot at your local club with friends, but compete against shooters of the same skill level from all across the world. See how you and your club stack up against others. Contact your local club to see if you can participate in this new event.
Emails will be sent to all NSSA member clubs with detailed information on how to be a part of these “Somewhere” events. If your club is interested in participating, or if you have questions, contact Jessica Wolfe at jwolfe@nssa-nsca.com or 210-254-1535.