The World Shoot format has been modified for 2024. The changes start with the schedule of the Mini World, which will have one rotation of 12-gauge on Friday. This will allow for an earlier finish on Sunday afternoon. The order of events shot has also changed for the four-guns to the standard 12, 20, 28 and .410.
For the Main, the Wayne Mayes event will return to a shot event with a box of each gauge shot. This will occur on Monday before the Doubles event starts.
The 12-Gauge Main has also changed to a 200-target format, with 100 shot on Tuesday and 100 shot on Wednesday. Adding the Wayne Mayes and the additional 12-gauge targets requires extending the event through Saturday, October 5, so be sure to accommodate that day in your travel plans.
A revised registration form reflecting these changes has been posted on our World Shoot page. Changes have been made to the rotation options for the Mini and the Main, so please pay careful attention to your selections. Note that the rotations for the Doubles and 4-guns of the Mini have been combined, so you will only make one choice for the Mini World. One major change is reflected in Rotation 1 of the Mini, which will shoot the 12-Gauge on Friday. If you do not wish to shoot doubles, please indicate such or use the individual event boxes to make your event selections. Similarly in the Main, the Wayne Mayes and Doubles rotations are combined. If you do not plan to shoot the Wayne Mayes Event and will only shoot the Main Doubles, you will need to select Rotation 3 or 4.
If you previously pre-registered, you will maintain your original position for rotation assignments. Stephanie Haga is in the process of contacting everyone who has already pre-registered to get their updated rotation preferences.
If you have preferred rotations, we urge you to submit your registration form as soon as possible, as rotations are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. We strive to accommodate your first rotation preferences to the best of our ability, but you can improve your chances of receiving your preferred choices by submitting your registration form early. We look forward to hosting another successful World Skeet Championships again in 2024!
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